I really want to become a student again. Yes, because I want to learn more but mostly because of the great discounts you get as a student. One being the ridiculously overpriced Adobe Creative Suite. You can buy the student and teacher edition of Suite 5 for $449 as opposed to more than $2,500 for the regular version. Of course you get more with the full priced version but I only really want Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Who knows how to use all those others anyway.
Because I'm not a student...yet....I'm stuck with free versions online which don't even compare. One in particular that I've been using, Inkscape, is similar to Illustrator. With my brother's recommendation (computer science genius!), I downloaded it and began my first project: replicating Magnolia's Peach's logo. I'd like to preserve this logo and not let it get destroyed in a fire or anything. This proved to be a challenge. How do you create paths from fonts? How do you rotate a picture? How do you use the colors? These are serious questions. And the tutorials that are supposed to help you figure that stuff out is very simplistic. Which isn't a horrible thing, but for such a technical program like this, it blows...
An example of one of the tutorial instructions:
I'm still on the hunt for a better program. So far others that my brother recommended can only be used on a Linux OS. I'm pretty basic with computer stuff and use Windows Vista (I know boooo).
I'll post my final version of the Magnolia's Peach logo when I finish it too.
I HATE how much Adobe chargers- sooooo annoying!